Airport policy and federal regulations (49 CFR 1542) require all airport workers, including employees, tenants and contractors, to obtain and display an identification badge issued by the Houston Airport System while working on airport sites.
ID badges play a key role in airport security efforts, so badge issuance is a controlled process. Badges are issued only to personnel who can justify, to the satisfaction of the badging offices and the Airport Security Coordinator, eligibility based on a recurring need for access to any or all controlled-access areas of airport complexes.
Badging Policies
The applicant/badge holder’s badge is and will remain the property of Houston Airports. The badge holder agrees to surrender his or her badge within 24 hours of resignation or termination of employment, or immediately upon request of the employer, Security and/or Airport Operations. The badge holder also may surrender his/her badge by dropping it in a US Postal Service mailbox.
The employer/sponsoring organization and Houston Airports are jointly responsible for control and accountability of ID badges. However, it is the sponsoring organization’s primary duty to immediately notify the badging office, or the Airport Communications Center in the event that the badging office is closed, when badged individuals have resigned, been terminated or are no longer associated with the sponsoring organization. These individuals’ badges must be returned to the badging office or notify the HAS Badging Office within 48 hours of resignation, termination or ending of association.
The sponsoring organization remains liable for any and all damages (including but not limited to: regulatory fines and/or penalties, contractual, equitable, or claims in tort, and/or property damage, and including reasonable attorney fees and/or allocable internal costs related to the investigation and/or defense of such claims, fines and/or penalties) suffered by Houston Airports before such ID badges are delivered to the badging office.

Background Checks and Fingerprinting
New badge applicants must be fingerprinted and pass a background and criminal history record check. Your fingerprints will be taken when you present your application at a badging office.
Badging Process
First-time applicants must be fingerprinted, pass a background check, and complete the required educational course(s) prior to being issued a badge.
1. Application
Your Houston Airports Authorized Signatory will decide the level of access you will be granted, and you will be required to complete and sign an electronic application. The form will be completed online. Your Authorized Signatory will send the link for the electronic application to be completed and sign his/her parts of the electronic application as well.
2. Verifying Identification
Bring your completed and signed form to an airport badging office, along with two forms of matching identification, uploaded with your application one of which must establish identity and one for work authorization. Please be advised that the names on each form of ID must match exactly, or the vetting process may be stopped in order to give the applicant time to provide identification with exactly matching names. It is recommended to bring more than two forms of ID. All forms of ID must be written in the English language, legible and unexpired.
Validation of data from all forms of ID will be conducted. Should the applicant refuse or fail to provide a primary form of identification that can be confirmed; he or she must leave the badging office and apply at a later date when he or she has obtained an approved, confirmable form of identification. At the time of your appointment, you must present the original of ONE document that establishes your identity and ONE document that establishes your employment authorization.
Documents That Establish Both Identity and Employment Authorization
*All documents must be an original unexpired & clearly legible.
Airport ID will not be issued to anyone under the age of 16.
- U.S. Passport or Passport Card
- Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
- Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV)
- Employment Authorization Document (Card) that contains a photograph (Form I-766). 4. Employment Authorization Document (EAD) that contains a photograph (Form I-766). Form I-766 expired on its face combined with Form I-797 based on an automatic EAD extension in certain circumstances qualifies as unexpired Form I-766
- In the case of a nonimmigrant alien authorized to work for a specific employer incident to status, a foreign passport with Form I-94 or Form I-94A bearing the same name as the passport and containing an endorsement of the alien’s nonimmigrant status, as long as the period of endorsement has not yet expired and the proposed employment is not in conflict with any restrictions or limitations identified on the form
- Passport from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form I-94 or From I-94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association Between the United States and the FSM or RMI
Documents That Establish Identity
* All documents must be an original unexpired & clearly legible.
For individuals 18 years of age or older:
- Driver's license or ID card issued by a state or outlying possession of the United States, provided it contains a photograph, name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address.
- ID card issued by federal, state, or local government agencies or entities, provided it contains a photograph, name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address.
- School ID card with a photograph (and includes school year - HOU Only).
- U.S. military card (active and includes expiration date - HOU Only) or draft record.
- Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority.
- License to Carry handgun permit.
- Temporary driver’s license with photo issued by US State Government.
- Temporary ID card with photo issued by any US Government Authority (Federal, State, County, City).
Documents That Establish Employment Authorization
* All documents must be an original unexpired & clearly legible.
NOTE: A copy (such as a metal or plastic reproduction) is not acceptable, must be an original issued SSN card.
- A U.S. Social Security account number card other than one that specifies on the face that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment in the United States and includes one of the following restrictions: (Social Security Card is required for all new badge applicants)
- Certification of report of birth issued by the U.S. Department of State (Forms DS-1350, FS-545, FS-240).
- Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or outlying territory of the United States bearing an official seal.
- Native American tribal document.
- U.S. Citizen Identification Card (Form I-197)
- Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United States (Form I-179).
- Employment Authorization Document (EAD) issued by the Department of Homeland Security.
Unacceptable forms of Identification (Examples not all inclusive)
- Membership cards (Library, Sam’s Club, Fitness Clubs, etc).
- Credit or Debit cards.
- Auto or Health insurance cards.
If an applicant indicates he or she was born outside of the U.S., verification of citizenship will be determined by an official naturalization certificate, Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240), or US Dept. of State (DS-1350 as of 12/31/2010). Non-US citizen alien status and work authorization will be verified by an Alien Registration, Refugee Travel Document or Reentry Permit. All must be accompanied by an Employment Authorization Document. First-time Foreign Alien applicants must also provide his/her Social Security Card.
Please note: The badging process must be completed within 30 days of receipt of fingerprint results. If not badged within 30 days, the applicant must repeat the application and fingerprint process.
Lost or stolen ID badges must be reported immediately to the Airport Badging Office and will be replaced only after the individual to whom it was issued files a Lost/Stolen Badge Change detailing the circumstances leading to the loss or theft. The replacement fee for the badge is $16, plus the following applicable administrative fee:
- $100 for the first replacement
- $150 for the second replacement
- $200 for the third and any succeeding replacement
Procedure for reporting a lost or stolen badge
- Immediately call the badging office during business hours, or the ACC after hours, upon discovering your badge was lost/stolen
- Notify your HAS Authorized Signatory of the loss or theft
- Complete a Lost/Stolen Badge Change Form via the Authorized Signer Portal to include providing details and sign the Lost Stolen Badge Report before submitting.
Badge Status Change
Houston Airports, the airport tenant and each badge holder are jointly responsible for control and accountability of ID badges. When a badge holder’s work is complete or reassigned at the airport, or upon his or her termination of employment, the employer or sponsor must immediately notify the badging office of the status change. The sponsor is also responsible for obtaining or confiscating the badge and returning it to the badging office within 48 hours for accounting and shredding purposes.
Procedure for reporting a badge status change
- Obtain or confiscate the individual’s badge upon his or her termination, completion or work reassignment
- Call the badging office immediately to report the badge holder’s termination or reassignment; call the appropriate IAH or HOU security number on the back of the badge
- Notify your Houston Airports Sponsor or Authorized Signatory of the termination or reassignment
- Return the physical badge to the badging office
Expired Badge
A badge holder and his or her sponsor are jointly responsible for renewing the badge prior to its expiration date. If the badge expired more than 30 days prior, renewal requires re-application by the new badge applicant process.
SIDA and AOA Non-Movement Driver Training
Course information, username and password will be provided to the applicant during the badge application process. You can access the Houston Airports Online IAH IET Learning program by clicking here and HOU IET Learning program by clicking here.
Please note: Your employer or sponsor must indicate need for AOA driving privileges on the badging application for the AOA course to be available to you.
CBP Access
Access to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) areas requires additional application and approval. If you require access to these areas. A CBP Form 3078 needs to be completed and submitted via the Authorized Signer Portal. You will not be able to proceed to these areas until you receive your airport badge with a Customs and Border Protection Seal.
Badge applicants requiring access to U.S. Customs and Immigration areas (e.g., FIS Area) must complete a CBP 3078 and the appropriate HAS Badge Application via the Authorized Signer Portal.
If you are a new badge applicant, your Customs application will be initiated after you complete the fingerprint process. For existing badge holders, the Airport Badging Office will review your status before referring you to Customs.
Required Forms
All badge applicants are required to present the following completed forms. These forms are available from the Airport Badging Office.
- CBP Form 3078 which includes the Security Access Request Form via the Authorized Signer Portal.
- The electronic form must specify the required information such as job description along with the type of access needed/requested.
What You Need To Bring
The application process requires two (2) major forms of identification with one being the Social Security Card:
- State issued ID card or Driver's License; AND one of the following:
- Social Security Card
- Active Military ID card
- Medical card displaying social security number
Foreign Born Applicants
If a foreign born applicant IS a U.S. citizen, he/she will need to present at least one of the following original documents listed below:
- Naturalization Certificate
- U.S. Passport
- Department of Defense Certificate for birth of U.S. citizen born to military parent(s)
If a foreign born applicant IS NOT a U.S. citizen, he/she will need to present at least one of the following original documents listed below:
- I-551 Resident Alien Card
- Form I-688 Employment Authorization
Access Change Authorization
For changes in access authorization, please first notify your Authorized Signatory of your changed access needs. In scenarios that do not require a badge type/color change, your Authorized Signatory will notify the badging office in writing and the access list for the badge will be updated. In scenarios requiring a type/color change or added special access types, a Badge Change Application Form must be completed, marked as a “change” and signed.
Authorized Signatories
Individuals applying as Authorized Signatories must receive initial approval from their employer and attend training at the applicable airport badging office. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires all Authorized Signatories to complete annual recertification training. The annual training period is based on the last documented training class you attended, so please keep a record of your training dates. Failure to complete the annual training requirement could result in the suspension of your Authorized Signatory status.
IAH Training is provided every Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. for first time certifications only. Recertifications are now done on-line. To request training link, and log-in information (if not previously received) contact the Badging Office.
HOU Training is provided the second and last Thursdays of the month at 10:00 a.m. for first time certifications only. Recertifications are now done on-line. To request training link, and log-in information (if not previously received) contact the Badging Office.
Forms and Operating Instructions
Authorized Signer Portal – Training Guides and Video
- Training Video - Authorized Signer Portal
- HAS eBadge Vendor Portal - Training Overview
- Vendor Portal Navigation
- New Badge Process
- Renewal Badge Process
- Lost-Stolen-Damaged
- Movement Area Request
- Media Request Form
Applicant Quick Reference Guide
Authorized Signatory Authorization Form
Unaccounted Access Media (IAH Only)
IAH Location and Hours
IAH Airport Badging Office
Terminal A, Baggage Claim Level, North Side
2800 North Terminal Road
Houston, TX 77032
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Application Processing is by Appointment Only using the TimeTrade online scheduling program.
Ask your employer to schedule an appointment using the web-based appointment scheduler. Be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to appointment time.
Lost, stolen or damaged badges are considered emergency processing and will be handled as a walk-in during normal business hours.

HOU Location and Hours
HOU Airport Badging Office
William P. Hobby Airport (HOU)
7800 Airport Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77061
Located on the first floor of the terminal, on the east side of the baggage claim area
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 08:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m.
For groups larger than 4, please call the badging office for an appointment.
Contact Us
IAH Airport Badging Office: 1-281-230-3032
HOU Airport Badging Office: 1-713-845-6500
For after-hours reporting of lost or stolen badges:
IAH Airport Communications Center: 1-281-230-1300
HOU Airport Communications Center 1-713-845-6555