Office of Business Opportunity
The Houston Airport System (HAS) Office of Business Opportunity promotes the utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) financially-assisted contracts; the inclusion of Minority and Women, Small (SBE) and Persons with Disabilities Business Enterprises (MW/S/PDBEs) in City of Houston funded contracts; improved access to Houston Airports contract and procurement opportunities for MW/PDBE, non-MW/PDBE and SBE companies; and compliance with local and federal mandates.
Learn more about the City of Houston’s Office of Business Opportunity.
An Exciting and Rewarding Place to Do Business
There are many business opportunities within Houston Airports, including construction, facility maintenance, professional services, airport concessions, advertising and car rentals. These opportunities are awarded to companies through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Request for Proposal (RFP), or competitive bid process.

The Program
- Provides contracting opportunity information to SBEs / MWBEs / DBEs / PDBEs / SBEs/ACDBEs
- Serves as an advocate for MW/S/PDBEs and supports policies and activities to maximize their participation in airport contracts
- Assists prime contractors with identifying certified MWBEs / DBEs / PDBEs / SBEs/ACDBEs to participate on contracts as subcontractors and concessionaires.
- Educates MWBEs / DBEs / PDBEs /SBEs on how to access Houston Airports contracting opportunities
- Monitors MWBE/DBE/ACDBE utilization on contracts with participation goals
- Ensures that wage standards are met on all construction projects with Federal and City funding
- Hosts small business and minority forums for networking
- Provides information and referral services to SBEs / MWBEs / DBEs / PDBEs / SBEs/ACDBEs
The Houston Airports Office of Business Opportunity is committed to creating a level playing field on which DBE/ACDBEs and MW/S/PDBEs can participate in an environment that removes barriers, ensures non-discrimination, and provides the tools necessary to compete successfully within the Houston Airports and the marketplace outside the DBE/ACDBE and MW/S/PDBE Program.
The programs and services of the Houston Airports Office of Business Opportunities are directed to:
Minority/Women Business Enterprises (MWBEs)
MWBE firms are eligible to participate on City funded contracts with MWBE goals.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs)
Certified DBE firms are eligible to participate in federally funded airports contracts with DBE goals. DBE certification is also recognized statewide on US Department of Transportation aviation, highway and transit contracts.
Persons with Disabilities Business Enterprises (PDBEs)
PDBE firms are eligible to participate on City funded contracts with MWBE goals.
Small Business Enterprises (SBEs)
SBEs have a shorter formal certification process through the Office of Business Opportunity. The Houston Airport System supports SBE participation in City funded airport contracts with SBE goals.
Obtain Your Certification
To participate in this program, you must be certified by the City of Houston Mayor's Office of Business Opportunity.
For more information, attend the free pre-certification workshop every Thursday at 2:00 p.m., 611 Walker, 7th Floor.